Our Brewers Secret is a well-kept one. Only the Brew Master and the Owner know the process behind the secret beers. Normally brewed at night to avoid any prying eyes, the two men put their pan into...
Our Brewers Secret is a well-kept one. Only the Brew Master and the Owner know the process behind the secret beers. Normally brewed at night to avoid any prying eyes, the two men put their pan into action and brew what later will become a member of the Brewers Secret family.
With no restrictions in regards to our normal brewing process, based on the German Purity law, the gloves are off and anything goes. Our Brewers Secret III is an unusual beer for Krenkerup Brewery to make. It is very far from our normal line up of beers, but never the less another member of the family. However, brief that might be, as we only make a single brew of each Brewers Secret before discarding the recipe never to be copied or used again. Our Brewers Secret beers are one off, limited editions. Once they are gone they are gone.
The Brewers Secret III is very unusual indeed. The ingredients are not usually associated with beer production and for us this beer is extreme in both taste and production method. After some serious head scratching Brew Master Constantin embarked on the journey to make the brewery’s first sour beer inspired by the old Leipziger Gose tradition.
Not only did he produce his own lactic acid bacteria using our high-quality malt as a base, but we also looked for that special differentiator which could take the beer to the next level. We found it on the small island of Læsø outside the coast of northern Jutland. Læsø is world known for their special sea salt, which still is produced today using ancient methods.
The salt and the sourness are both combined into a very smooth drinking experience by adding coriander seeds which give the beer its final touch. The salt balances the acidity, and simultaneously acts as a catalyst for the coriander. The small coriander seeds are gently crushed and added to the boil leaving a fresh and fruity aroma.
With its 6,5 % alcohol Brewers Secret III is a unique beer, but with an unusual high drinkability and smoothness which one would never expect from something so extreme. Enjoy Brewers Secret III for light dishes spring and summer and serve it at a temperature of at least 10 degrees.